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Un Libro di Vittorio e Michele Frangilli

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Japanese Edition
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The Heretic Archer - Japanese  edition

168 pages in 4 colours 28.7 x 22 x 1.7 cm, 138 photos and pictures, hard back with plasticized over cover


bulletHow the Champion Michele Frangilli was born?
bulletHow his technique ha sbeen developped and how to teach it?
bulletWhich are his secrets for the tuning of the bow?
bulletHow he trains?
bulletRead the Index of the book

Available in the best Archery Shops




Suggested Retail Price
The Heretic Archer   978-4-904205-16-7

16,000.00 Yen


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Copyright © 2005 L'Arciere Eretico
Aggiornato il: 08 settembre 2011